Engaging Your Highest Capacity Clients for Inspired Outcomes

Description Intro
Learn how to help highest capacity clients achieve positive impact for themselves, their family, and for the nonprofits they love, lead, and support.
At the End of this Interactive Presentation You Will be Able To:
- Conduct a “donor dialogue” that will elicit the client’s highest aspirations for self, family, and society
- Connect that conversation to a number of financial tools and techniques
- See how to do the right thing for clients and also get paid well for the work involved
- Decide on “next steps” for you, as you consider learning more about philanthropic planning within a sophisticated wealth advisory practice
Phil Cubeta, CLU, ChFC, MSFS, CAP is the Sallie B. and William B. Wallace Chair in Philanthropy at The American College. He is responsible for The Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy designation, a three course, masters-level designation for advisors and nonprofit gift planners in philanthropic planning. In his prior role, Phil was Chief of Staff for The Nautilus Group, an initiative of New York Life, serving the company’s top 200 advisors with estate planning and financial planning strategies for highest capacity clients. Phil’s essays on philanthropy have appeared in Tracy Gary’s Inspired Legacies (Wiley and Sons: 2008); H. Peter Karoff, The World We Want: New Dimensions in Philanthropy and Social Change (Altimira Press: 2007); and Amy Kass, Doing Well Doing Good: Readings for Thoughtful Philanthropists (Indiana University Press: 2008). Phil is the proud holder of Dallas Women’s Foundation 2012 “Power of the Purse” Advisor Award. He shared with Charles Collier of Harvard the Advisors in Philanthropy Fithian Leadership Award. He is a past President of the North TX Council of Partnership for Philanthropic Planning, and is a member of the PPP Leadership Institute. He recently served on a National Association of Estate Planners and Councils task force on cross-disciplinary team formation, leading to a white paper on that topic.